Maintaining your fitness during the holidays

with 2 Comments

Maintaining your fitness during the holidays can be very challenging because of all the stress, traveling, and eating that takes a lot of time and energy.

The holidays can be really challenging.

It’s easy to say “screw it” and just stop all progress toward your goal. With all the events, it’s easy to miss a workout, have a few too many cocktails, or try the desserts that don’t even look good. Then you have to travel, and you’re out of your element. Are you eating out more and not in control of your food choices? Or do you feel a little awkward doing a quick workout at someone else’s house (this is me, unless it’s my parents or sisters)?

Before you give your fitness a bird until January, take a gander at 6 strategies for maintaining your fitness during the holidays.

#1: keep your routines as much as possible. Do you do yoga or a quick workout in the morning before starting your day? Keep doing that. It doesn’t have to be for hours, even 10 minutes is great.

#2: eat your protein. I say this all the time but for good reason. It makes all the difference. 1 palm size at each meal for women, 2 palms for men.

#3: bring side dishes that support your goals to the party. Be the veggie tray queen or make a fruit crisp to share.

holiday fitness

#4: only eat the desserts that look AND taste good. If the cookie looks great but doesn’t taste that way, you don’t have to finish it. Consistency over perfection. You can indulge without overindulging.

#5: eat breakfast and possibly a snack too on the days of those big holiday meals and events. This will help you stay in control and make quality food decisions.

#6: plan active activities, going shopping counts here!


**Bonus: everyday is a clean slate. If today didn’t go as planned, you still have tomorrow. No need to beat yourself up and go into all-or-nothing thinking.

And that’s it! Pretty simple but so effective. My goal this year is to eat breakfast (protein packed) and have a snack before those big holiday meals. This is something that I’ve struggled with in the past and just felt completely out of control come meal time. I’m working to improve that and feel more in control of my choices this holiday season.


Life getting in the way of your fit goals?

Get the FREE 5 Day Guilt Free Guide to Getting Healthy. In it, I’ll show you simple eating strategies and quick exercises that fit your busy schedule without feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or disappointed.

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2 Responses

  1. Danielle @ Follow My Gut
    | Reply

    Working out is so hard for me since I blog about restaurants. However, once I noticed my pants getting tighter as my stomach is getting bigger I had to work out. I can already admit, Atim, this holiday season is going to be rough. The thought of all the food is already all I can think about. But I love that you share some pretty simple tips. I can help myself stay on track if I apply these pretty seriously and try my best not to slip. It won’t be easy, but following this is gonna be better than my plan. Who am I kidding, I didn’t have a plan =]

    Danielle | <3

    • Atim Effiong
      | Reply

      Danielle, yes! Any plan is better than no plan. These tips should help you still enjoy the holidays while maintaining where you’re at. One of my clients is a food blogger, so I have a greater understanding of what it’s like to stay fit in your line of work. You got this! 🙂

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