Tips for eating while traveling

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Tips for eating while traveling provides 3 actionable strategies to continue to eat well even when on vacation or on a work trip.

As you already know, traveling can disrupt your regular routine.

Last time we talked about ways to exercise while traveling. If you missed it, you can read it here.

Traveling, especially for fun, is a necessary thing these days. Vacations are essential to living the FitLife and taking time to yourself to just relax. But if you’ve gotten into an eating routine, it can cause some anxiety. Will they have vegetables? How will the food be prepared? Or for me: is there nuts in it or was it cooked in peanut or sesame oil?

3 simple tips for eating while traveling

Here are 3 actionable tips for eating while traveling for your next trip.

#1 be mindful of your portions. Likely you won’t be eating the exact same way as you do when you’re at home. You may have dessert more often or drinks. You may be eating less veggies and more carb heavy or fried foods. I’m not going to say you need to avoid them, just be mindful of how much. Instead of eating the whole plate at the restaurant, eat half or 3/4s. Share a meal with a friend or your significant other. You can still use your hand to determine your portions. Your palm is a serving of protein, your fist is a serving of veggies, your cupped hand is a serving of carbs, and the length of your thumb is a serving of fat.

#2 get a serving of protein and a serving of veggies at dinner. Give yourself at least one meal in the day with some protein and veggies. If you’re out to eat, there’s almost always a veggie option whether it’s a side salad, a vegetable heavy soup, sides, or even a burger with pieces of lettuce for the buns.

#3 don’t beat yourself up. It’s likely not going to go perfectly, but no one is asking it to. If you have the burger and fries instead of the burger and a side salad, no biggie. Just take your time to enjoy it and be mindful of your portions. I love fries so I understand this one. What you eat doesn’t make you a good or bad person. Each day is a clean slate so start new and avoid the compensating behaviors (skipping the next meal, workout longer). We’re humans not robots.

What do you do on trips to help you keep up with your eating routine? Let me know in the comments!


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