My Musings #1 I’m back!

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That’s right, I’m back!

I’ve been gone for a minute, but I’m back now! When I first started this blog, I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. I liken it to starting a fitness journey and being lost in all the information. I honestly just thought if I posted a blog post here or there, boom! Things would blow up. Maybe you’ve had the same experience with a diet or an exercise plan. That just by having the plan and following it here and there means instant results. I’ve been there too.

I remember when I first started Crossfit, back in 2011. I just assumed that by having a membership and maybe going to the gym once or twice a week, that I’d get super fit and be in the best shape ever. Because I had the thing that has gotten other people success, I would also have success. Haha definitely not. Although, I wish it was that easy.

How success in fitness is like success in life


I laugh now looking back, so many times I’ve thought that if I have the thing, the membership, the blog platform, the fans on Facebook, the followers on Instagram, the program, that I would achieve my goals.

What I forgot is that I have to work for them. Just like with my fitness goals. It literally took me 3 years of half-assing, and quarter-assing at the gym before I realized that if I want something, I have to more than half-ass it. I have to commit to it and commit to myself. Funny how that happens right? I love to just have the results and not necessarily have to do the work. In the last 3 years of my fitness journey, I started taking things seriously. I started going to the gym at least 3 times a week for 3 months. I told myself I needed to do that if I wanted a new pair of workout shoes. Even I need external motivation to get going).

Then it started to feel like a habit and something I wanted to do. See the consistency was my missing piece initially. After that 3 months, I decided to set some goals and figure out how to achieve them. Fast forward to 3 years later (which I’ll share part of the story as we get in the habit of hanging out with each other), I’ve achieved my fitness goals and am now in maintenance mood! I fought the crazy diets, the quick fixes, the guilt and shame, comparing my body to other women, and not feeling good enough. I’m finally to a point (more often than not) where I deserve the things I want in life. And guess what, you do too!

This blog is here for both of us.

For me to share my fitness journey, be real and raw with you (you’ll soon find out how awkward I am), show you how I got fit with a busy a schedule, and show you how to make fitness part of your life even with a busy schedule. We’re going to have fun together, we’ll laugh, cry (mostly from laughing so much), share, and get fit and maintain it!

Life getting in the way of your fit goals?

Get the FREE 5 Day Guilt Free Guide to Getting Healthy. In it, I’ll show you simple eating strategies and quick exercises that fit your busy schedule without feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or disappointed.

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One Response

  1. […] really buckled down and got consistent. It’s just like when I finally got consistent with my exercise and eating. Big things are […]

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