Beginner LUCC Workout

with 9 Comments

This Beginner LUCC Workout is the perfect compliment to getting fit with a busy schedule.

Happy start to the week! What better way than to plan your week to include activities that help you live the FitLife. I always laugh because when new people I meet ask me what I like to do for fun, my answer is work out. Yup, that typical meathead answer. Except there’s more to this meathead than muscles. I really love the way exercise makes my body feels. It helps me reduce my stress and have a more positive outlook on life. Plus, it’s really built my confidence up. Doing and achieving things that I thought would be impossible sets me up to do that in other aspects of my life.

Sometimes starting or maintaining the FitLife starts with not knowing what to do first or next.

I think especially around eating but also around exercise. What program do I follow? Do I need a specific gym membership? Should I workout at home or do a group fitness class? What if I don’t know how to do the move or how much weight to use? That doubting of yourself often keeps you from moving forward. And maybe for us women, that keeps us from strength training and only doing cardio instead. To my ladies out there, it’s time to try some strength training. I promise, you’ll feel stronger, more confident, and more like the badass that you are. Plus you likely won’t get bulky from strength training, so we can just let that idea go. Trust!

This beginner LUCC workout I’m sharing with you this week is one you can do at home. All you need is your body and a mat (or surface you’re comfortable laying on). You can take this with you while traveling, and it’s modifiable to for your fitness level.

Beginner LUCC Workout - no equipment, at home workout


Aim for 3-6 rounds. If you are newer to exercise, 3 rounds will be great. You can also do 10 squats, 15 jumping jacks, 7 pushups, and 20 deadbugs. There’s no need to make you so sore on your first day that it’s a week before you can get back to it if at all. If you’ve been exercising for awhile, 4 rounds is great. If you want a challenge and jello arms and legs, do 6 rounds.

Why each move?

Beginner LUCC Workout - no equipment needed

Squats work a large amount of muscle groups and the booty. I’m a fan of big muscle movements, and more so when we’re short on time.

Jumping jacks while basic are a great cardio move. They get your heart rate up and also make you use your whole body. Don’t be afraid to skip the jumping if needed.

Pushups are a great upper body move. Not only do they work your chest, they also work your abs, triceps (back of your arms) and your shoulders. Think about anytime you have to push off of something, pushups will help you be stronger during these moments in life.

Deadbugs are my absolute favorite core move. These work those deep ab muscles (transverse abdominis).

You know that I love quick, efficient workouts. You know I’m also a big fan of working all the major muscle groups at least 2 times a week. A LUCC method workout allows that. Some workouts may have more lower body or core strengthening than others, but each one targets all your major muscle groups. Much different from a body building training program, and that’s okay.

Add this one to your training program. And definitely do it if you only do some form of cardio. It’s time to build some muscle and get feeling strong. Yes, I’m biased towards some form of strength training, and yes, I’m going to encourage you to add it to your FitLife. It’s also recommended by the ASCM, which I’m certified through and has many benefits for long term health. Get to it!

Where I’m linked up:

Inspire Me Monday | Inspire Me Monday | Totally Terrific Tuesday | Coffee and Conversation | Inspire Me Wednesday | Wild Workout Wednesday & Fit and Fashionable Friday | Healthy Living Link Party | Think Tank Thursday | This is How We Roll

9 Responses

  1. Amy Grote
    | Reply

    I really appreciate quick workouts. It is all my schedule allows for.

    • Atim Effiong
      | Reply

      Of course! I don’t want your schedule to keep you for getting your workouts in.

  2. Ally
    | Reply

    Awesome workout! I will have to give it a try. I love body weight only workouts, they are perfect for being home.

    • Atim Effiong
      | Reply

      Completely agree, and equally effective! Enjoy 🙂

  3. Jessica
    | Reply

    I love dead bugs! They really help me focus on engaging my core.

    • Atim Effiong
      | Reply

      Me too! They’ve made all the difference for my core training.

  4. Annmarie
    | Reply

    This looks like an awesome workout! Pinned! Thanks for linking up and sharing 🙂

  5. […] Beginner LUCC Workout from EffiFit […]

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