Fighting Comparison Syndrome

with 2 Comments

Comparison syndrome is one thing that keeps us stuck and unable to achieve our FitLife results.

What happens is we start looking at our own fitness journey and comparing it to someone else’s. This person maybe be years ahead of us or willing to do some extreme things to reach her goals. What can also be really frustrating is when someone started after us, and she’s seeing results quicker than we are, right? It can be so annoying.

Then we look at ourselves like: “what’s wrong with me?” “If only (fill in the blank.)” “Maybe the FitLife isn’t for me.” News flash, the FitLife is for you. You’re FitLife looks much different than the next person because we’re all different and hve different ideas of what fitness looks like in each of our lives.

It’s easy to look to #fitspo for motivation, but it’s not helpful if it makes you feel bad about yourself or think you aren’t doing enough to live the FitLife. That woman might only look like that one day a year. And that other woman may still have low self-esteem and think she isn’t fit enough. We don’t really know because we never really get to see the whole picture. That other lady that has a busy schedule, she might be single, is always done with work at the same time everyday, and never has to travel for work. Her life isn’t the same as yours.

Fighting comparison syndrome in fitness

How to fight comparison syndrome and get the results you’re after.

#1 Define what being fit and living the FitLife looks like in YOUR life. Is it cooking dinner at home 3 times a week and walking twice a week? Is it Sunday meal prep, and the gym 5 days a week? Could it be something in between? Once you determine what the FitLife looks like for you, you have your focus.

#2 Stay in your own lane. Now that you have your focus, stick to it. If someone is doing Whole 30, but Whole 30 isn’t your focus, wish them well and keep doing what you’re doing. You may not drop 20 lbs in a month, but over time you’ll still reach your goal, and actually maintain it. What you are creating is a lifestyle, not a quick fix.

#3 Ask for help. If you’re feeling you’re not progressing toward your goals, ask for help. Talk with someone who has achieved the same goal you’re after. Meet with an educated fitness professional such a personal training, nutritionist, or health coach. Just be sure to check that they at least have some certifications to back up their credibility. I’m also available to help you create a program that works for you and your busy schedule (shameless plug :)).

#4 Social support. Do you have people that support you on your FitLife journey? If not, join my group, and we’ll all support you. Don’t be afraid to tell your family, friends, coworkers, and loved ones your goals so they can help support you and keep you accountable.

#5 Unfollow or unsubscribe to anything that makes you feel bad about your own fitness journey.

#6 Self love, not self-hate. Do it because you love yourself and your body, not as a punishment. When taking care of yourself is attached it negative feelings, you aren’t going to get the results you want because you’re avoiding the negative feelings.

And now you are equipped to fight comparison syndrome and reach your FitLife goals!

Life getting in the way of your fit goals?

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2 Responses

  1. Fern
    | Reply

    This is such an important and inspiring post! It’s so true that you can’t focus on the speed of other people’s journey in fitness, you have to just do you. Brilliant!

    • Atim Effiong
      | Reply

      Thank you! We all have to stay in our own lanes.

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