Pokémon GO for Fitness

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So you downloaded Pokémon GO.

Which team are you? Valor, Mystic, Instinct? I didn’t even know there was a third.

I’m not on any team (but the one that controls the gyms would be mine) and to be honest, I wasn’t impressed by the whole thing initially. Maybe because I just didn’t really understand it. At first, I thought, “these people look crazy” and would make jokes about zombies walking around the park. But then I saw the true potential, especially as I saw men and women in business suits walking around the park and their neighborhoods, MOVING THEIR BODIES!

Seriously, Pokémon GO is pretty genius if in fact the goal was to get people out from behind their desks and screens and over to outside land.


So with that being said, here are some ways that Pokémon GO can easily fit into your fitness routine or at least get you started with one.

#1 You get to move you body, often. Whether you’re taking your 15 minute break (not familiar? It’s when you walk away from your work and do something else to clear your mind and get your mental game strong again. I know, these aren’t that common anymore, but it’s worth it to set that boundary and take your control back), lunch, or a quick stroll around the hood before heading home, you’re breaking up your sitting time and allowing your body to get in some feel good hormones. I would suggest taking this one outside (away from cars and traffic) so you don’t risk getting fired like this guy.

#2 De-stress. Moving your body is a great way to de-stress and feel better after a long day at the office. Plus getting your mind off the crazy work day and focused on something else, will make you a much more enjoyable person when you get home from work. Don’t carry that stress home with you, no one wins, no one.

#3 Explore your city. Get out and see what you’ve been missing even around your office that you frequent on the reg. But don’t forget to look up from your phone. That’s where the magic happens. Enjoy the sites, fresh air, and gain a new perspective or appreciation for where you live. I’m fortunate to live Salt Lake City, where the scenery is beaUTAHful.

#4 Build a habit. If you’ve been playing for awhile, then you can check this off the list. By building a daily habit of Pokémon GO, you’ve also built a daily walking habit, working on your fitness without even realizing it. Pat yourself on the back. It’ll be easy to keep the habit going once you’ve caught them all.

#5 Accountability. Pokémon GO is for reals your built in accountability partner. You’ll stick with it because you don’t want to let your team down, but you’re also staring at it everyday waiting to play.

#6 Community. As you’re getting out and about, you’re getting to know your neighbors and making new friends. You’re part of a community and that feeling of belonging plays a big role on your mental wellbeing.

pokemon go

Learn more about Pokémon GO and how to play it here should these benefits entice you.

Go out, hit up the PokéStops, and get those steps in. You’ve got eggs to hatch.

Let me know in the comments below how you’re using Pokémon GO.


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