June Workout Plan: Week 2

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June workout plan week 2 is the second week of an awesome summer workout plan. Take this to the park, your backyard, or even your living room.

How did week 1 go?

If you didn’t get a chance to do it yet, you can find it right here! And now it’s time for the June workout plan week 2. Getting your fitness on during the summer is a great way to maintain the habit. Often times when summer comes, all our hard work goes out the window. Then we find ourselves trying to get back into something at the end of summer, only to give up on it once Halloween hits.

I see it a lot, and I’m guilty of it too. One thing I found to get me off the on again off again fitness life is to stay consistent. And for me that meant continuing to go to Crossfit when it was 100 degrees outside and taking Butters on hikes as often as work would allow. That habit of keeping active helped me make fitness part of my life all year long and not just until swimsuit season. So let’s do this together and create the habit of moving our bodies regularly and often!

June workout plan week 2, here we go!

No equipment needed summer workout plan

Lots of awesome moves to get you sweaty, burn some fat, and feel amazing! I don’t know about you, but after I workout, I feel like a serious badass. There’s something about exercise, challenging myself and my body, and overcoming it, that makes me feel amazing! Enjoy this one, and don’t forget to enjoy the wonderful weather!

Warm up with 5-7 minutes of walking or jogging around the park.

Cool down with 5-7 minutes of walking around the park. Then stretch.

Rest 24 hours between workouts. You can always walk the dog, and do other activities on your non-exercise days.

Put your sunscreen on to protect your skin and your skin’s future! Working in a cancer hospital, I’ve become hypersensitive to this. I finally started wearing sunscreen daily.

Don’t forget to drink water especially if it’s hot where you are. Staying and feeling hydrated is key.


Life getting in the way of your fit goals?

Get the FREE 5 Day Guilt Free Guide to Getting Healthy. In it, I’ll show you simple eating strategies and quick exercises that fit your busy schedule without feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or disappointed.

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Where I’m linked up:

Inspire Me Monday | Totally Terrific Tuesday | Coffee and Conversation | Inspire Me Wednesday | Wild Workout Wednesday & Fit and Fashionable Friday | Healthy Living Link Party | Allergy Free Thursday | Think Tank Thursday | This is How We Roll

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  1. […] workout plan week 1 June workout plan week 2 June workout plan week […]

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