The Ultimate Booty and Core Workout

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The Ultimate Booty and Core Workout is great for building a strong booty and core. Not only will you be feeling this one tomorrow on its own, but it’s also a good warm up before running or squatting.

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When we activate our butt and core, we’re better at moving.

It’s great to have these warmed up ahead of your main workout because then you use those muscles more. And especially for activity like running or squatting, when you really want your glutes firing.

If our glutes don’t fire enough, other parts of our body has to compensate to make up for it. This could explain why your knees hurt after running or while squatting. The glutes aren’t firing, keeping you from being as stable as you could be during these moves. For me, my non-firing glutes masked themselves as really bad knee pain and low back pain.

You’ll notice that once these muscles are firing, you feel stronger in your movement. And you’ll be able to tell when they are active and when they aren’t. The glute muscles that we really want to be firing are gluteus medius, the gluteus maximus, and the gluteus minimus which are responsible for abduction (moving the leg away from the body from the side), knee and hip extension, and adduction (moving the leg in toward the body from the side), respectively. When I took anatomy, the way I remembered the difference between abduction and adduction was abduct (to take away or kidnap) and adduct (to add back). Pretty clever, I wish I could claim that as my own, but I learned it from my TA.

When we’re running, squatting, jumping, walking, pretty much doing anything, we want to have all these muscles firing and allowing us to complete full ranges of motion. And as you’ve heard me say before, a strong core builds a solid foundation for good movement. Side note, our core includes anything on our body that isn’t our limbs, btw.

With that being said…

Here’s the Ultimate Booty and Core Workout!

Grab your resistance bands for this one. If you don’t have resistance bands, you can still start to build these muscles and activate them without it.

**Note I’m not a physical therapist or physician. These moves aren’t guaranteed to cure any pain you have in your body or solve major imbalances. If this is you, you should consult these folks, their the experts after all.**

Core and Booty Workout


This one will go by quickly. Do 3 rounds of this booty and core workout if you’re using it as part of a warm up, and 5 rounds if you doing it as a workout. With any of the leg lifts, remember to keep your body upright. Don’t bend to lift your leg higher. If your leg doesn’t go up that much but you keep your body upright, you’re going to get more bang for your buck.

All of these moves work your booty muscles and your core. Consider including them often especially since we sit so much!

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Where I’m linked up:

Inspire Me Monday | Totally Terrific Tuesday | Coffee and Conversation | Inspire Me Wednesday | Wild Workout Wednesday & Fit and Fashionable Friday | Healthy Living Link Party | Allergy Free Thursday | Think Tank Thursday | This is How We Roll

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5 Responses

  1. Annmarie
    | Reply

    Looks like an awesome workout

  2. Nicole @ Fitful Focus
    | Reply

    I need to get a band so I can try this!

    • Atim Effiong
      | Reply

      Yes! You can even tie a long resistance band in a knot if you have one. Hope you had a great birthday btw 🙂

  3. […] love these Fit Simplify resistance bands because they have upped my intensity of my own workouts but also my […]

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