Gobble Gobble HIIT

with 2 Comments

Gobble Gobble HIIT is a quick and effective workout to get your heart rate up and get your sweaty before that big holiday meal.

Holidays can set us back on the FitLife without a successful game plan. Last week I talked about staying fit during the holidays.

Here’s another quick workout to add to our toolkit so we can stay fit but still enjoy time with family and friends. No need for jokes or judging from family and friends with this one. In fact, with how quick it is, they’ll probably want to join in on the action. This is why I love HIIT workouts when you have a busy schedule, they’re quick and effective! And this one follows the LUCC method.

Gobble Gobble HIIT

EffiFit Gobble Gobble HIIT

Why each movement.

Jump squat: Squats work large muscles meaning you get more bang for your buck. Jumping gets the heart rate up. Plus, who doesn’t want to build the booty?!

Push-ups: Push-ups work so many muscles, chest, triceps, shoulders, and your core. They are great for building a great upper body.

Cross mountain climbers: Cross mountain climbers really work the deep core muscles, obliques, your shoulders and lats, and gets you breathing hard.

High knees: High knees get your heart rate up to burn fat effectively. They also require most of your muscles to do it. Remember to keep the core tight!

And that’s it! Give it your all during the 1 minute of work. Catch your breathe during the rest.

If you just getting started on your journey to fit again, work for 30 seconds, rest for 1 minute, no jumps with your squats, and no jumps with your high knees.

Enjoy, and Happy Turkey Day!

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2 Responses

  1. Latasha | Arts & Budgets
    | Reply

    Ohhh! This is a great post! I just had a baby and I am about to get back into the swing of things & start back working out.
    Thanks for sharing.

    • Atim Effiong
      | Reply

      Congratulations on the baby! I’m excited to hear you’re getting back into working out! Enjoy this one, and check out some of the other workouts on the site 🙂

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