LUCC It Out HIIT Workout

with 2 Comments

This LUCC It Out HIIT Workout is a fun, quick, and sweat inducing workout you can do from home without any equipment.

I’m learning to love working out at home.

There are so many advantages.

#1 you can cook your one pan or Instant Pot dinner while you work out.

#2 you can wear whatever you want. I’ve been known to wear dress socks with spandex capris while working out. But until now, only a few people that follow me on Instagram, Ryan, and Butters knew about this. It might also explain why some of my dress socks have holes in them.

#3 you don’t have to drive home after.

#4 it saves you time.

While I do really miss my gym buddies at Crossfit, I was spending 2 hours there each time. 1 hour to workout, and 1 hour to socialize (and I’m an introvert so that’s saying something). I’ve been working on managing my time better because I want to increase my sleep and still have time for a social life or to just watch movie on the weekend with Ryan. Once I feel my time management has improved and I can convince myself to not stay an extra hour at the gym (seriously no self-control when it comes to this), I’ll return. I really miss Crossfit.

Today’s LUCC It Out HIIT workout is a bit more focused on core and cardio. It also happens to be my 100th blog post that I’ve published. And that is straight up crazy in my opinion but also a huge accomplishment!

I’ve been blogging on and off since April-ish of 2016. But in the last month, I’ve really buckled down and got consistent. It’s just like when I finally got consistent with my exercise and eating. Big things are coming!!

Here’s your LUCC It Out HIIT Workout.

LUCC It Out HIIT Workout - no equipment


Why each move?

With a bit more of a focus on core and cardio today, we’ve got more core and cardio moves.

Lunges are great for building your booty and creating strong legs. The movement of lunging is very similar to walking. If you’re feeling off-balanced, opt for a wider stance in your lunges. You can also do all the reps on one leg before switching legs, or do a reverse lunge with feels more steady. Keeping your core tight is key to keeping your balance here.


Crab kicks get your heart rate up and work your whole body. They are great for your shoulders because you have to hold yourself up.

Dips work your chest and your triceps (the back of your arms) and help you push off from your chair.


Mountain climbers get your heart rate up and also work your core. Oh and your shoulders. Another great total body move. Remember to keep your back flat and your belly button pulled in to your spine.

Give it a go this week and let me know how you do! Create your own workout plan for the week by selecting a couple other LUCC workouts!

Where I’m linked up:

Inspire Me Monday | Inspire Me Monday | Totally Terrific Tuesday | Coffee and Conversation | Inspire Me Wednesday | Wild Workout Wednesday & Fit and Fashionable Friday | Healthy Living Link Party | Think Tank Thursday | This is How We Roll

2 Responses

  1. christine
    | Reply

    I’m a HUGE fan of working out from home and have not gotten my exercise in today. I’ll be coming back to your post very soon. 🙂

    • Atim Effiong
      | Reply

      Yay! I am too. It took some time because I was stuck thinking I’d only get a good workout if I left my house. Definitely not true!

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