6 steps to getting lean and healthy – Pt 6: stay positive

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EffiFit Getting lean part 6- keep it positive and self-talk


6 steps to getting lean and healthy – Part 6: keep it positive


And as we come to an end on the 6 steps to getting lean and healthy, we’ll cover one more piece to the puzzle. And that’s keeping it positive and enjoying the journey. Something magical really happens when we do something because we love it or because we love ourselves. We accomplish so much more setting goals from a place of love instead of a place of hate (which tends to be the status quo).


To wrap it all up: be in a good mindset to make changes to your body. If it isn’t for you and only for you, forget it. Rework your routines and habits to benefit you and your goal. Get moving, activity doesn’t have to be structured or even at the gym, but part of your everyday life. Eat well – get your protein and your veggies in for sure! De-stress and get a good night’s sleep, yes it’s possible with a busy schedule, it just takes a little reworking of your schedule. And finally, keep it positive, love yourself and your body through the journey!

[Read: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5]


#6 Positivity and self-love

It’s time to let go of the negative energy and the self-hate. Just. Get. Rid. Of. It! Like yesterday. That might be why you hate exercise or vegetables, because it’s always been associated with something negative. It’s time to change that, get more positive, love your body (and exercise and vegetables), and enjoy the process.


Consistency over perfection. This is my mantra for anything in life but really for health and fitness. The fitness and diet industry has done an incredible job making us think that if we don’t do it perfectly, we might as well not do it. Hence all the programs and products out there that tout doing it perfectly, eating a strict meal plan, never missing a workout. And if people didn’t believe that, the industry would crumble (my personal goal). So I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to eat perfectly, and you can skip a workout (especially if you’re sore, tired, or know you won’t give it your all if you go). What you do consistently is what gets you results. So if you’re consistently exercising, consistently eating well, and consistently getting quality sleep, you’re still going to get the same results if you did it perfectly. But you’ll actually enjoy the process and be able to keep your schedule and your friends.


Self-compassion. So what do you do when you have a “bad” day? Do you just say screw and keep going down that negative path or do you tell yourself it’s okay because tomorrow is a clean slate. What are you telling yourself in these situations? And how could you change it for the better? We’re human, we’re not perfect. Treat yourself as you would a friend who was going through the same struggle. Show yourself some compassion and be amazed at how far it gets you and how far you end up on your health journey. Be kind to yourself, there’s too much negativity out there already. Be your best friend and your ally, not the person that puts you down and makes you feel like crap.

EffiFit Positive


Positive self-talk. So really, what are you saying to yourself? And would you say that to someone else? We’re so mean to ourselves, I’m guilty of it too. When I mess up or make a mistake (not necessarily health and fitness related), I get really mean. I call myself names, thinking that’s going to make me want to do better. But in fact, it’s the opposite. I then go into a spiral of negative thoughts and energy and question everything I do. And it’s hard to climb back out of that. But using self-compassion and telling myself nice and positive things has been absolutely key for me. And I know it will benefit you too. Before you tell yourself something again, stop and think if it’s benefiting you or if you’d say that out loud to someone else (even your worst enemy). If you wouldn’t, then you don’t deserve to hear it either. Want a more positive life? Then keep the thoughts positive. We are what we think, and we create what we tell ourselves. I tell myself 3 positive things everyday. As a bonus, I tell them to myself out loud in the mirror. It really helps. But any time I have a presentation, a call, or a meeting, I repeat those 3 things. It’s usually, “I am smart, I am confident, and I provide value.” Try it yourself and see the difference it makes.


Self love. This one goes without saying. I love the self-love campaign right now. Once I started loving myself and my body, the changes I was trying to make to my own body came so much easier and it was a much more enjoyable experience. Thinking if we hate ourselves and our bodies, it’ll be more motivation to change it, but it doesn’t help. It’s just not the case, look around and you’ll see it. People going through diet and exercise cycles. Trying to use negative energy to create a positive outcome. Doesn’t quite match up. Look, you can love your body and still want to change it.  #noteitherorbutAND (it’s trending on Instagram) It’ll be a much more positive experience and journey when you change how you think about it. If you love your body for everything it does, wanting to eat well and wanting to exercise and sleep are just really a big thank you to your body for all it does for you. So flip the script and start getting those results! Love and enjoy the journey.


Now it’s time to take your next step. You’re equipped with everything you need to get lean and healthy. But I’ve got something for you. It’s the Build a Better Body in 4 Weeks Virtual Bootcamp. If you’re ready to put everything you’ve learned into action and get results, this is for you. By the end of the 4 weeks, you’ll have a nice toned body to boost your confidence, learn tips and skills for eating to truly get the results your after that you can use for the rest of your life, and you’ll be more productive and friendlier because you’ll learn to manage your stress and sleep like a baby. Join me (for a small investment of $97)! We start building June 6th!


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